Your house or apartment’s cleanliness can seriously affect your mental state. In fact, clutter can lead to depression, decreased productivity, decreased focus, and an inability to pay attention.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss a few lesser-known cleaning tips to ensure that your house looks presentable at all times.
Giving your house a deep clean will help your mood feel instantly lifted, and you may even feel like doing more productive things around the house.
Read on for more information on how to keep your home as clean as possible.
1. Make Your Bed When You Get Up
This is especially important as the days of COVID19 and lockdowns linger on. If you’ve been forced into another lockdown, or you’re now working remotely, or your children are being homeschooled, you’ll need this hack to keep your family motivated.
Make a rule that everyone must make their beds each morning. Even if you or your family members will be working on their beds or near their beds, making it will give you a sense of accomplishment. It will also help your brain turn on work mode from sleep mode, and you will feel more ready to tackle the day.
2. Use Lemon or Lemon-Scented Products
Have you ever noticed how many cleaning products are either lemon-scented or have lemon in them? That’s because lemon can actually clean a lot of places in your home without you having to use chemicals.
Lemon can, for example, help clean a dirty microwave. Put a mug of water and some fresh lemon juice in the microwave and put the microwave on for 3 to 5 minutes. The moisture will help loosen the gunk on the microwave, and then you can use a cloth to wipe it down and get all of it off. If the dried food still sticks to the microwave after one round, microwave the mixture again and try again.
Lemon juice can also brighten up faucets. Spritz a little bit of lemon juice on the faucets, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, and then wipe it off. Your faucets should look brand new.
3. Use an Electric Brush to Clean Hard to Reach Places
Are you having a hard time getting your bathroom, kitchen, floor, or bathtub clean? If so, you can get electric brushes that will scrub away the dirt and save your hands from scrubbing yourself.
Spray cleaner on the area you want to clean. Then, turn on the electric brush and run it over the area you want to polish. If there is some dirty or mold stuck in between your tiles, just hold the electric brush over it for a few seconds, and it’ll instantly get buffed away.
This is a great way to ensure that your deep cleaning is actually deep cleaning.
4. Use a Swiffer and Old Sock to Clean Windows You Can’t Reach
Do you have windows you have a hard time wiping down? Is it difficult to reach your windows outside? If so, this trick works like a charm.
Take a Swiffer and a clean but old sock. Place the old sock on the Swiffer itself. Spray the window with your favorite window cleaner, and then wipe the window. If you can’t reach the window to spray it, you can spray on the sock itself.
If you have a lot of windows or particularly dirty windows, you may wish to use more than one dirty sock to ensure that your windows get cleaned.
5. Vacuum in Rows
When you vacuum your floor, don’t go all over the place haphazardly. That can make it difficult for you to see where you’ve vacuumed and what still needs vacuuming. Going in rows can help you see where you’ve been and leaves the room looking great afterward.
6. Using Your Vacuum Too Long Without Changing It Can Lead to Foul Odors
If your vacuum smells when you vacuum, it is because you haven’t changed the vacuum bag, and it emits the odor of what’s inside it. You’ll need to change your vacuum bags with frequency. If you don’t have a vacuum bag, there is likely a chamber that sucks everything up. You’ll need to dump everything in this chamber in the trash often.
7. Use Dryer Sheets to Dust
Dryer sheets are meant to reduce static cling, but they can help you dust, especially in areas that may be difficult to reach. This tip also works great on electronics. Take the dryer sheet and run it over your blinds or other surfaces you want to dust. You can also try the Swiffer trick, but with a dryer sheet, to dust places in your house that you can’t reach but need to dust.
You’ll be amazed at how easily the dust clings to the dryer sheet and leaves your house fresh and clean.
Cleaning Tips and Tricks
Hopefully, these cleaning tips helped you get some ideas on cleaning your home the next time you need to do so. Remember to keep on top of cleaning, cleaning everything regularly. If you do that, you can be sure to keep your house spic and span and won’t have to deep clean it as often.
If you don’t have the time to clean, or you’re unable to do so due to illness or injury, and you’re in the Oklahoma City area, give us a call. We can get your house looking like new in just one visit. Enjoy the mental and physical benefits of a clean home today.