Maintain Your Ceramic Tile Floor with the Right Cleaning Technique

As far as flooring is concerned, ceramic tile floors have proved to be a popular option, and this is because they are durable, hygienic and beautiful. Since these floors also need care and cleaning, you must start as often as possible by sweeping or vacuuming your floor. As grit and sand usually create scratches and make the floor look dull, you can’t skip this step. The job may seem hectic to you; don’t worry, home cleaning services are there to help you out.

apartment cleaning services

Apartment cleaning service professionals follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Take your chamois mop or rag soaked in mild detergent and hot water and use it to clean the surface.

  • Avoid the use of a sponge mop because it tends to push dirty water into the ground.

  • Change the water in the bucket as often as possible so that you do not have a dirty mop when cleaning, as this results in a film on the ground.

  • Whenever there is a hazy film on your tile surface, take a non-abrasive cleaner, and it’s done.

  • If you want to try DIY for your cleaner, merely take a mixture of hot water and lemon juice or vinegar. Put it on the floor and wipe it with a clean cloth.

  • Where stubborn grout stains are found, make a paste with water and baking soda. Apply and leave for a night and brush with a nylon brush. A Silicone grout sealer can be used to avoid future stains.

Call us at Home Maid Better, your nearest apartment cleaning services to perform the job on your behalf, so that you can have a sparkling floor without the hassle.

Ready for a clean even your mother- in-law will notice?


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