
Pro Cleaning Tips After a Party

residential cleaning services
residential cleaning services

It’s fun to have a party, but the morning after, every host is terrified. You don’t know what’s lurking in the other room when you roll out of bed. Are you going to stumble across the sea of aluminum tubing and adhesive surfaces? You must always prepare for the worst while you hope for it, especially if you are a university student or have friends who like to go all out. You shouldn’t be afraid of hosting a party just for the cleanup mess. With these residential cleaning tips, retrieve the nights of celebration.

Before Party Precautions

Easier and faster residential cleaning after your bowl by batting your hatches in advance. You want to close the gates of your bedroom, which you don’t want to see. In the off-limits rooms, keep valuable or fragile items. Put towels and clothes in places that are easy to grab so that spills are wiped immediately. Display and label two waste containers–one for trash and one for recycling. This encourages your guests to clean themselves up, thereby reducing work later for you.

residential cleaning

It is best to approach cleanups after party in two ways. The first thing is to do after all the guests have gone.

  • Upload and place any remains in the refrigerator. This prevents ants and other pests from living in your house. It also prevents smells.
  • Gather all the garbage and put out all in the trash bags. Take a dishpan or a big container. Go about and put into it all the empty bottles, cans and plastic cups. Divide these into the appropriate recycling bins.
  • Check furniture spills, teapots or the tapestry and start stain treatment — mop or sweep to remove from the floor debris and sticky chaos.
  • Wipe the counters down into the bathroom with the material they make of disinfectant. Put the toilet bowl in the toilet and leave it for other tasks. Disinfectant spray, for example, Spray Lysol faucets on the toilet seat, toilet handle or faucets. Besides these areas, spray some on your home door knobs, and also wipe the light switches a bit off. Scrub the cleaning solution with the brush and flush away.
  • Wipe the countertops of the kitchen out of the kitchen with a cleaner suitable. Check for water ring damage on wooden surfaces, e.g., tabletops.
  • To collect dirty plates, glasses, utensils, and tableware use the same dishpan. Run a load, fill in the dishwasher. If needed, soak in the sink pans or dishes.
  • Run a laundry load with all the bed sheets, towels, and towels.

The Morning After

The second stage of the clean-up is to restore the shape of your house before your guests arrived.

  • Dust and clean your furniture
  • Empty the dishwasher
  • Wipe down stains
  • Clean the floors
  • Put things back in their place
  • Take down the decorations
  • Clean the bathrooms
home cleaning services

After a party, the mess behind may at first appear overwhelming. However, it can be a breeze if you clean it up as we showed you. However, consider hiring a house cleaning services for Oklahoma if you want to avoid doing the dirty work yourself. Call us at Home Maid Better and let a professional cleaner to perform the job well.

Elder Care

Elderly People and House Cleaning

home cleaning services

Can you honestly say that you are the same person you were about ten years ago or 20 years ago? Were the exact duplicates of your personal preferences the same with your choices today for dresses, food, books, films, political viewpoints, work ethics, and moral philosophy? It also goes for house cleaning services.

Choices Change with Age

There is no minor issue in selecting a house cleaning service. This means accepting virtual strangers within your home, giving them access to your private sanctuary and allowing them to put the most intimate and secure domain into order and balance. It is one of those choices that show whether your priorities have changed and what is important in your life.

You are eager for some standards of cleanliness. You now know that ‘true clean’ covers every nook and cranny; you know there are things which should be buffed, polished, smoothened, aligned, tightened, and arranged.

The commitment of the company to health and safety and environmental protection and preservation only reflects the environmental-friendly products. Home Maid Better has undertaken exhaustive research to ensure that the cleaning and painting products that have never been tested on animals are effective and non-toxic only.

home cleaning services

Advantages of Cleaning

Changes in lifestyle are inevitable as we grow older. Each year the retention of muscle mass, healthy joints, and physical coordination are increasingly difficult for seniors. There is a point where each senior starts relying on others for certain activities and tasks.

Senior citizens with moderate or advanced physical difficulties can struggle with house cleaning. In general, specific cleaning operations begin with problems. Most seniors find it difficult to work on tasks requiring uneasy position, heavy lifting, and significant stress in the joints — tasks such as staining high areas, cleaning the toilet, and transporting a water bucket. Older adults often begin to skip these tasks, which lead to homelessness.

It can make a big difference to hire a home cleaning service for your parents. House cleaning services will ensure that your mother or father will not clean up. It will enable you to live more comfortably and even save you from an emergency trip.

home cleaning services

House cleaning services for the elderly also allow the elderly to live healthier. A cleaner home is a higher and healthier home that reduces the likelihood of infections with bacteria and viruses.

Respiratory problems for seniors can also benefit from home cleaning services which use non-toxic cleaning products and take other action to preserve air quality.

Contact cleaning services in OKC for Home Maid Better.


5 Myths about Home Cleaning You Should Debunk Today

Urban myths rule all over the internet forever. Enter your PIN back at an ATM, and you’ll call the police! (Cool, but not real.) The group of “Friends” is in talks for a meeting! (This hasn’t happened for the millionth time.) Sharks were caught in Hurricane Irma! (No.) With such widespread lies in mind, is it any wonder that some of the house-cleaning myths you read online are similarly false?

Put the bleach aside. Step away from the premises for coffee. Read on to uncover some of the greatest cleaning myths related to cleaning your house that could do more damage than good. Acquire the idea and hire maid services in OKC.

Hiring Skilled Cleaners Can Lead to Stealing

The thing that homeowners care most about is whether they can trust the individual who is about to enter their home for the very first time. However, who could blame them? After all, the new cleaner will have access to every nook and cranny of their home and, by extension, gain insight into their personal lives. Besides, popular culture has gone out of its manner to offer a poor rap to maids and cleaners. Well, there’s no need to worry about that. Let’s not forget what is meant by flawless professionalism. Professional real-life cleaners won’t waste time snooping around! They will concentrate on their job, to be as effective as possible. You can opt for maid cleaning services to get the best results.

Washing Machines Clean Themselves

This is a popular misconception because a washing machine aims to wash stuff, but they also need to be cleaned. Many individuals leave their clothes in the washing machine long after running the cycle, which can trigger a musty smell that is then moved to your clothes. Even if you’re not guilty of that, you should still run a monthly cleaning cycle to preserve the functionality of your washer and keep it smelling fresh. If there is no special cycle in your washing machine, add 1 cup of baking soda along with half-cup to 1 cup of vinegar and the detergent dispenser and run a normal small cycle with hot water.

Excessive Vacuuming may Affect the Quality of the Carpet

This myth probably begun by someone searching for a specific technique of cleaning carpets. However, the reality is, dirt and dust that remains and pile up on the carpet can do more harm than a vacuum. You will need to be careful while vacuuming sensitive floor coverings such as handmade carpets and Oriental rugs. You should never leave your vacuum too long in one place. The steady beating can heat the fibers, melt them, and leave a burn mark. Maid services in OKC are well-equipped in providing carpet cleaning.

Mopping Pushes Dirt Around

Mopping picks up the dirt and hangs on it. There is no cross-contamination because you remove it and place it on a smooth one once the mop head is dirty. When you mop the dirt and again rinse it in dirty water to reuse it, the floor remains dirty. Changing the water after cleaning one room will wipe away the dirt entirely. Hire an expert from maid services in OKC.

All Green Cleaning Products are Safe to Use

A cleaner with a green label can clean your floors perfectly is indeed a myth. You should know that not all greens are secure to use for your home as well as around your kids. It is always best to read the cleaner’s label before using it. Not all products are secure on the local retail store’s’ green’ corner. Although every ingredient is not listed on the name of the product, you still get a vivid idea of what the product is made of, and you can judge whether the product is safer to use or not.

Get ready to undertake maid cleaning services by debunking these myths today.


How to Find Your Honest Cleaners?

residential cleaning services

Nothing more private than your own home could be carefully appreciated. It’s where you live, the last remote border where you can rest, create memories, shape dreams and altogether remove any stress and burden that your outside life imposes. And so how do you find professional residential cleaning services, who respect and value your home just as you do, in this day and age when honesty comes so fleeting and uncommon?

There are many advantages that a professional company brings. Here are a number of things that you should consider when you want to hire a cleaning company.

Friends and Family Referrals

Start by asking friends and family, who they are using–references give you an inward insight into what an enterprise is about–not just what they are saying on their website. Companies could create a wonderful, trustworthy and experienced look, but a friend or family reference can paint another picture and bring more weight.

residential cleaning services
residential cleaning services

Experienced Cleaners

For how much time were they in business? Has the company any awards, accreditations or professional associations? Try to look at this because it will reassure you that an enterprise has confidence and a reputation for it.

Terms of Service

Find out how your service can be canceled or changed. This policy should be in place to ensure that no surprise fees are incurred. Many companies charge a cancelation fee, as last-minute cleaners can be difficult to reprogram, and the company has to cover their lost salaries. So, you can better plan and prepare for any scheduling questions if you know this information.

residential cleaning services

Due Diligence

Due diligence means that tender care is taken before agreeing so that fraud, cost-representation and even personal harm can be avoided. Before signing and payment a contract, it includes the intelligent investigation and validation of material.

Green Cleaning

A residential cleaning company will never compromise the security and comfort of its customers and the environment. Only effective but non-toxic, free from harmful chemical and cruelty-free product components can be used based on extensive research.

A cleaning company that goes beyond standard expectations shows a strong commitment to service excellence and not just honesty. The system should provide extraordinary experiences to dust and wipe, secure and inspire, balance and strengthen rather than adjust to the basic routine of dusting, sweeping and declutching.

residential cleaning services


An honest cleaning company is run and run by those who share the same values and objectives. You should be trained and certified extensively. They know their products and services inside out, coverage and restrictions, timetables and durations, warranties, actual costs, promotions for discounts, payment options, and even loyalty schemes.

Home Maid Better, your residential cleaning services in Oklahoma City, is committed to providing the highest quality services within your budget. Schedule your appointment with us today for residential cleaning with environment-friendly products and to create harmony in your home.


Things Not to Forget about Cleaning

deep cleaning services

You chose to begin professional house cleaning in OKC. It is a distinct ballgame to clean your own home and clean another person’s home professionally.

When cleaning professionally, you must be very thorough. Customers pay for a luxury service and expect a top level of deep cleaning services and deserve it. It requires a while to know the professional cleaning of a house.

The best thing to do when you start is to ask friends and family if you can wash your homes at a discount rate or free of charge. I know it’s not appealing to think of cleaning free, but you won’t just have much to do, but you get some nice testimonies and references (which you will need when you get those first customers).

house cleaning okc


  • Empty all trash bags
  • Remove Dustbags and cobwebs
  • Clean ceiling fans
  • Disinfect bathrooms
  • Floor mopping
  • Kitchen clean up
  • Wiping kitchen cabinet

To be Cleaned Places

cleaning services okc

Ceiling Tiles

Continue to look up. Have acoustic tiles on the roof for your new home? Most acoustic tiles are known to be rough in texture for gathering dust, and those close windings are susceptible to dark days.

Fan Blade

In the winter, ceiling fans can assist to drive up warm air where it is required. However, the air can be filled with any dust or particles such as glue to produce eye sore.

cleaning services okc


If you haven’t noticed, fluorescent light fixtures used in the houses used to put bugs to death. In addition, on the walls and desks, light fixtures usually accumulate dust that makes them shine dull.

cleaning services okc


Run your hand along the walls, particularly in fields that are less traffic behind open doors or other places. It may surprise you, in particular if the walls are textured, how many particles stick to vertical surfaces.


You can be alarmed at the dust and cobwebs attached to your leaf whether they are live or artificial. How ancient artificial flowers are they, anyway? And how many dead or dying leaves do you want on live crops to be tolerated? Sometimes replacing them is the best option when it is too burdensome to clean or care for them.

Modular Furniture and Top Parts

On top of the partitions, dust accumulates particularly between objects on top of the cabinets, including private souvenirs, prized prizes and photographs. Make it a part of cleaning services in OKC. Contact Home Maid Better for deep cleaning services.


How Often Should You Call for a House Cleaning Service?

house cleaning services

You are not alone if you’ve avoided giving your house a thorough cleaning. For most of us, it makes us want to crawl under the bed to think about steaming our carpet or cleaning the refrigerator. We, Home Maid Better have got expert advice on how often you clean everything and, more importantly, why. Consider these as extra motivation to put rubber gloves on.

The employment of a professional home cleaning service offers you, your home and your family a variety of benefits. One of these benefits is that the cleaner provides their services as often as possible.

Depending on the factors below, you can make your cleaning schedule with our house cleaning services.

Schedule You Maintain: Think how busy you are and how long you can spend cleaning, to see the frequency of cleaning.

house cleaning services

Area of Your Home: Larger homes takes more time in cleaning. People think it helpful to hire an apartment cleaning service in OKC. During visits, they can help to keep the mess away and clean various sections of the house.

Budget: Figure out what you can spend on the services before you call so that you can select your budget schedule.

Read on to see how often your house should be cleaned. It’s often more than once a year.

Every Week

house cleaning services

Microwave: Research indicates that bacteria spoils microwave food. That said, it is crucial to keep your microwave clean. It should be wiped down once a week and cleaned twice a month.

Bathtub: The responsible bacteria for grave skin infection, is 26% from the bathtub compared to only 6% of the garbage can. Officially, therefore, your bathroom is nastier than the trash.

Computer: A massive 70% of Americans have lunch in front of computers, making computer keyboards a bacterial breeding ground. One study found that keyboard bacteria are often found in a toilet, but 10% never clean them.

Every One to Two Weeks

house cleaning services

Bed Linen: Research has shown that you have exposures to dust mites in the bed as much as other places. Therefore, cleaning once a week is imperative.

Every Month

Refrigerator: Scientists say that salad drawers contain a bacteria content 750 times than any other places, making them a major cleaning place regularly. Do not expect a reminder of spring-cleaning; your home deserves to receive monthly attention.

Every Two Three Months

house cleaning services

Pillowcase: Pillowcases should be washed with sheets but a pillow cover can help to protect your pillow against dust mites and grime every day, but the cleaning every two-three months is a must for keeping the pillow cover clean.

Mattress: You could wash your linen regularly, but what about your mattress? Every two-three months, mattress pads must be washed to kill bacteria.

Once or Twice a Year

house cleaning services

Carpet: As cleaning of the carpet, vacuuming does not count. Research indicates that it could harm your health if you do not steam your floors regularly. Another study shows that up to 200 000 bacteria per inch can be there on your carpet.

Contact Home Maid Better for further information on how often you should use professional house cleaning services. We offer a wide range of cleaning services for your home and budget.


Facts On Home Cleaning

While talking about cleaning, how can we forget green cleaning? There are numerous advantages of green cleaning – both in our home and environment. To know more about it, follow this infographic.


House Cleaning Essentials to Keep at Home

maid cleaning service

A perfect cleaning kit used by house cleaning maids will help you get great results while saving both great and small jobs time and frustration. You always have everything on hand; you will notice that your products are running low and that you can also keep everything tight and organized.


An open storage container is required for us all. It is easy and will make your cleaning easier. All you have to do is add some water, mix with the detergent and voila. You’ve got your success recipe there. Many stores sell these containers along with a brush and mop. With these items, you can clean many things, including floors, tiles, sinks, and even your car. However, for now, we’re going to stick to the house.

Surface Cleaner

Again, this is another essential item any maid cleaning service must have if you want clean surfaces. If you could find an all-around surface cleaner, it would be practical. It is going to simplify your life. They often come in spray bottles so that they are easy to use. Don’t purchase those which are cheap. They are not going to do an excellent job of dirt eradication and smell terrible.

maid services okc

Vacuum Cleaner

The vast majority of people have carpeted floors in their own homes, and when we spill or walk through our houses, it’s a real pain in the neck. This is why a strong vacuum cleaner is a cleaning hack, which must be placed in your home. Just remember to store replacement parts, because items like this need to be replaced now and then.

All-in-one Cleaner

Make it a smooth cleaner if you just have one product in your home cleaning kit. Everything is in the name. An all-inclusive cleaner has the main benefit of offering excellent results on multiple surfaces. As a result, when cleaning up from room to room, it is a valuable product.

maid services okc

Glass Cleaner

Glass and mirrors can be easily cleaned if the right product is available to you or house cleaning maids. A good glass and mirror cleaner remove grime and streaks.


Look at your bathrooms. There is nothing like disinfectants that are designed to kill germs and bacteria and prevent disease and sickness within your family in genuine germ prone areas. Take your kit to handle kitchen surfaces always with a disinfectant that cuts raw meat bacteria in a kitchen or grime around a toilet.

Call Home Maid Better for maid cleaning service.


Move Out Cleaning Was Never This Easy Before

move out cleaning service

It is stressful to buy and sell a home. Not only must you move all your belongings physically, but you also don’t stop your life because of it. There are documents to be signed, shows to be scheduled, and besides all, you still need time to work and take the children out of school. Professional move out cleaning service can improve the process and relieve the stress.

Why Is Moving Out Stressful?

move out cleaning service

Relocation from a practical point of view is not only stressful; it can also be troubling for some personal reasons. Our house or apartment becomes our home when we live for a while. We are attached to these places because they are memorable, comfortable and well known.

You can leave your home, particularly if you have stayed there for many years, with memories that can cause further stress. The sense of loss and interrupting memories are natural and could even lead to your decision to move completely. Just remember that you can expect more memories and enjoy a fresh, new beginning.

If you hire a moving cleaning service, you can make your move out less stressful. There are four reasons for you:

  • There’ll be less stress. With the list, material, and time to clean the home after moving your items away, you don’t have to stress your brain.
  • There are some property regulations when it’s a rental property. Only when you leave your home as it was before, you can get the deposit back. To comply with the rules, you need to perform a deep cleaning by a move out cleaning service provider.
  • This is a matter of reputation. If you leave your home clean, it will also create a good impression of you for the next tenants and the homeowner. For both of them and you, a positive vibe will be generated.

The Coverage of Service

move out cleaning service

The move in and out cleaning service is always better than the regular cleaning. Home Maid Better maintains deep cleaning system for their clients. It is a green service which leaves no forgotten space in the kitchen, bedrooms, living room, bathrooms, etc.

Our specialized equipment and experienced team help you remove from under beds, tapes windows, and furniture up to 99% of dust, allergens, bacteria, hair, pet danders pollen, and other pollutants. We will also clean light fittings, ceiling fans, grooves on the baseboards, without overlooking details. Choose Home Maid Better before you even get in your home, for you and your family. For your free quote, contact us today and learn how clean and healthy your new home can be. Moving with the right partners need not be stressful.


How to Cooperate with Your Cleaners?

cleaning services okc

Everyone wants to make the most of the money they spend, and cleaning services do not differ. There is a limited amount of time our cleaning technicians spend at home to clean.  To ensure that your time at home is productive, we put together a few tips to get the most out of your residential cleaning services.

Inform your cleaning company of any special instructions before they get there. Are specific cleaning products or guidelines required in certain areas? Please let us know what you want, and we will be glad to respond.

Have someone there for the first cleaning session, especially if specific instructions need to be described. Rather than by a note which can be misunderstood, forgotten or even discernable, it is better to explain matters face to face.

Mention to your cleaners of cleaning services in OKC regularly about what to expect if there is a particularly frightening mess. Surprises can be fun, but not so much, and without proper cleaning product, no one wants to be unprepared for a stinky, sticky mess. We cannot clean your room as thoroughly as possible if we’re not prepared.

Thank your cleaners. There’s a long way of a little gratitude. After all, your service is an integral component of keeping your home healthy and functional. Appreciate your cleaners and make sure that your home is always nice and clean. For our hard work, we all love credit.

cleaning services okc

Respect the time constraints of your cleaning technician – Be aware that technology has a particular schedule and other homes to clean before the day. Please allow techs to work as much as possible if you are present for cleaning.

Dishes – We usually don’t make dishes unless specifically requested. Your technologies could move up and down and load your dishwasher for you, but cleaning time from other areas in the kitchen could also be taken away. If plates are not put together and counters are not clear, it will take longer to concentrate on cleaning.

Bathroom Vanities – Put personal products into drawers or enclosures to increase the availability of countertops.

Floors – Check for clear floors and collection before cleaning of all items. Coins, hairpins, and sharp objects on tapes may break down or damage our vacuums, which again remove the cleaning spent time. In the entries, it can be very helpful to pick up a designated shoe basket.

Pets – Our technology loves your animals! However, it will be much less stressful if the pet is either in a room we don’t clean or away from home during the cleaning, both for our maids and your pet.

cleaning services okc

Furniture – Be aware that, unless it’s easy enough for one individual to move safe, you don’t normally move furniture. Your floors or our back we don’t want to harm. If a difficult area is to be cleaned, consider moving items away in advance.

Call us at Home Maid Better for residential cleaning services.