
Tricks for Cleaning up After Your Halloween Party

Halloween party

A Halloween party can leave messy stains everywhere, which can be a huge headache after spending some wonderful time with your guests. Don’t be afraid of Halloween party leftovers anymore with these simple tricks to clean up your home. So, next time you throw a party at your place, just make sure to keep in mind the following tricks so that you can concentrate more on enjoying the party with your guests.

  1. Hairspray Stains

A Halloween party can be much more fun with hairspray and fancy dresses. However, using hairspray can leave stains on the floor, which we may find difficult to clean. Put rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and simply rub the stains, and you will find your floors clean and shining like before.

  1. Glitter Removal

You and your guests might use glitter to create fancy costumes for a Halloween party. Cleaning glitter from the floor or your furniture is not a hard task if you know this useful trick: Leave your vacuum cleaner and use play dough. Just roll the play dough over the glitter, and it will remove all the stains from the floor. Play dough works for your carpet too!

  1. Halloween Treats

Halloween treats like jack-o’-lantern cookies and candy are loved by children. However, the sticky stains they leave on the bowls and other places after the party can be annoying to remove. Mix some detergent and warm water in a bowl. Soak a rag in the mixture and use it to remove any stains. If you are still finding it ineffective, add some vinegar to the water.

  1. Jack-O’-Lanterns

Your Halloween party cannot be complete without jack-o’-lanterns. Jack-o’-lanterns can leave a big mess, but we still love making them. You can use some newspaper under the pumpkin to avoid any mess on the floor. If you have already made a mess, use a spoon to scrape off any residue and scrub with dish soap.

A crazy Halloween party can leave your place really messy, but with these tricks, you can easily clean your place without much hassle. Just get to work sooner rather than later, and you won’t be having an after-party headache.


Keep Your Home Clean With Professional Cleaners.

Are you thinking of cleaning your house? There are certain areas which require greater attention while cleaning and professional cleaners can help you get the job done effectively. Bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchen have different areas which should be properly cleaned in order to keep your house free from dust. Hiring professional home cleaners can not only help prevent dust buildup in your house but also will help remove trash, regularly change bed sheets, keep your sink and faucets clean, and much more.

Go through this infographic to know the benefits of keeping your home clean with professional cleaners.

Keep Your Home Clean With Professional Cleaners


Professional Cleaning for Household Mold

household mold removal

Mold is a fast-growing type of fungus which enters homes in the form of tiny spores. It loves kitchens, pantries, bathrooms, and any other damp nooks around your home. Mold can invade where you might not have thought: rugs, soaps, walls, as well as stored clothes.  It can ruin many household items, but more importantly, can aggravate allergies, make you sick, and even be toxic.

Fortunately, locating those places where mold spores like to grow is fairly straightforward. Keep an eye on areas where water is likely to be used, drip, leak, or accumulate. This will include under sinks, near showers and toilets, inside and around your fridge and laundry appliances.

The time to act is the moment you notice mold growth in your home. While there are many effective techniques and products you can use to keep mold at bay, hiring a professional cleaning service is your best bet for permanent mold relief.


Mold Prevention and Removal

There are many quality products for removing mold from surfaces. While these household products can make short work of visible growths, you’ll need backup if you suspect the problem runs deeper. Ideally, we want to avoid mold growth in the first place. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.

If you live in a warm, humid climate, cleaning experts advise starting with regular use of dehumidifiers. These small appliances help keep home interiors dry, making your home less hospital for molds. Additionally, ensure plumbing fittings and fixtures aren’t leaking anywhere. While you’re at it, reconsider that fuzzy toilet seat cover. Anything that can absorb moisture from a steamy shower is going to be a magnet for mold.

If you end up needing to tear out linoleum, carpet, or whole panels of drywall, it is imperative that you allow the affected area to dry completely. Rent a couple big industrial blowers if you can. To kill underlying mold spores and prevent new growth, consult the guidance of a home cleaning professional. They have the knowledge and experience to guide you to the right products and their usage.


9 Time-Saving Tips from Professional House Cleaners in OKC

House Cleaners in OKC

Keeping your home squeaky clean can be as complex as it is tedious. The time and dedication is takes often doesn’t work for busy Oklahoma City homeowners. Here are 9 tips from professional house cleaning services to help you save time keeping a clean home!


Glycerin isn’t just a good base for gentle soaps. Oklahoma homeowners use glycerin soaps to clean their houses as well. Glycerin can be used to spot clean stains on carpet, furniture and hard surfaces. It is a great solvent for both greasy and water-based stains. Diluted with water, glycerin can be used to maintain the shiny finish without the damaging effects or residue of harsher cleaners.

House Cleaners in OKCDedicate Time for Cleaning

One of the most common reasons that cleaning takes so long is the tendency to get distracted. Yes, cleaning is tough business, and yes, there are many things we’d rather be doing. But if you set aside a distraction free-hour a couple times a week to clean, you’ll end up saving a lot of time getting the work done.

OKC House Cleaners

Start with Low-Hanging Fruit

When it comes to cleaning, start with the most obvious things. Maybe it’s loading the dishwasher, doing a load of laundry, or picking up clutter. When you get the easier stuff out of the way you not only make it easier to vacuum, mop, scrub, and so on; but you also get a sense of accomplishment seeing a cleaner home that can motivate you to keep going!

Push Boundaries with Your Dishwasher

Dishwashers are fantastic time-savers, but their usefulness doesn’t end with dishes. The combination of heat, water, and detergent is a great way to deep clean children’s (and dogs’) toys, waterproof shoes and sandals, hair ties, makeup brushes, refrigerator shelves, and garden tools!

The Art of the Squeegee

You may know the squeegee from gas station buckets, but its usefulness goes well beyond car windows. Mineral stains on your shower glass or tile with an appropriate cleaning product don’t stand a chance against the dual action scrubbing and wiping features of the squeegee. Target tough stains on electric stovetops, countertops, and windows as well.

Steam the Microwave

Food particles in a microwave seem to stick like stalactites in a cave. Here’s an easy solution to make cleaning your microwave less onerous. Before cleaning the microwave, heat about a cup of water in a mug or Pyrex bowl in the microwave for a few minutes. As the water heats, the steam will loosen those stubborn stains.

Prioritize Dusting

Dust your shelves, books, curtains, and whatever else before vacuuming the floor clean. This will spare you the task of vacuuming twice, as well as help clean the air by filtering it through the vacuum cleaner.

Keep your Vacuum Tuned

It’s easy to forget that our vacuum cleaners need maintenance too. With Oklahoma’s infamous dust, fresh filters and clean mechanisms become all the more important for an effective vacuum cleaning.

Skip the Rarely Used Rooms

For daily or weekly cleaning, focus on high traffic areas like hallway bathrooms, the kitchen, living room and entry ways. Leave guest rooms or other less-seen rooms for a monthly cleaning. To keep your whole house in tip-top shape, consider hiring a professional cleaning service for a good weekly cleaning of your Oklahoma City home.