
Get Rid of Clutter with These Daily DeCluttering Tips


If you walk into every room of your home, you’re likely to find some amount of clutter in it. From clothes lying around and personal belongings left out of place, to unorganized cabinets and unwanted items cluttering up spaces; every home has clutter! The truth is we allow clutter to form when we neglect to keep things in order. It also adds when we hold on to things we no longer need. What’s worse, a cluttered home is not just unsightly, but also has a negative impact on the household members by causing stress and discomfort. So to put it simply, clutter is the enemy!

Now, if you’re wondering how to get rid of clutters in your home (and keep it out), these tips are surely going to come in handy! Read on for the best decluttering tips for all homes.


How to Avoid Clutter in Your Home

  1. Get Organized

It’s not that hard, really! Being organized merely takes a little effort, yet makes a lasting impact. For example, if you kept your closet organized, you’d be less likely to leave clothes lying around. That’s because a messy cupboard makes it hard to find certain items and hence, you choose to leave your favorite clothes outside. Similarly, drawers, cabinets, shelves, and tabletops all need some order to avoid risking a clutter take over! So, make it a point to bring order into every aspect and room of your home and you’ll instantly see a huge, positive change in the household!


  1. Say Goodbye to Useless Items

There were probably a bunch of things that came to mind when you read that; homeowners tend to hold on the items that are broken or not being used for sentimental reasons. Well, it’s time to break away from the sentiment and start thinking logically. If it’s no longer of value to you, it’s best you got rid of it because these items are simply cluttering up your home for no good reason. What’s more, many of these items can be donated to welfare homes where they will actually be of use. This includes old clothes, shoes, outdated gadgets, unwanted furniture, etc.


  1. Purchase Wisely

Here’s another common reason for clutter in the home; we purchase or bring in things that we don’t end up using. For example, you may buy some gym equipment; stop using it after the first week; and then the next thing you know is, it’s been lying there for months and serving as an ugly addition to your furniture! Hence, it’s important to purchase wisely and not to get caught up in the moment. Don’t bring anything into your home unless you’re certain that it is going to add value and be useful.


  1. Routine Clutter Checks

Make it a habit to scout out clutter on a regular basis to ensure that order is in, and clutter is out! Consider doing one room a day, especially if you have multiple household members who are likely to bring more items in and leave things lying around. At this point in time, it would be fitting to advise you to encourage the rest of the family to pick up these clutter-free tips for a clutter-free home!


How to Keep Your Bathroom Sparkling Clean?

bathroom cleaning

How amazing would it be if our bathrooms remained squeaky clean every day?! You’d never have to face the horror of surprise visitors asking to use a dirty bathroom ever again! What’s more, you can experience the daily joys of showering (and doing other stuff) in a clean, sanitary bathroom.

Initially, you may wonder how to make this dream a reality. Well, when you think about bathroom cleaning, three major components need daily attention; the floor, sink and toilet bowl. The rest of your bathroom can be cleaned twice a week or as and when needed. Now, without wasting any more time, we’re going to share three excellent cleaning tips that will help you maintain a sparkling clean bathroom on a daily basis!


Easy Steps to Do Bathroom Tips

1. Stain-Free Tiles!

Keeping your tiles clean can be rather difficult because people walk in and out of the bathroom several times during the day; however, you should know that the main reason behind marked and stained tiles is caused by water left on the surface. While keeping your bathroom floors dry at all times is not possible, there are a couple of things you can do to keep them dry for the most part. For example, after a shower, rinse off the floor and squeegee the water into the drain. It also helps to increase ventilation by keeping the window and door open so that the floor dries up faster. Apart from this, spot cleaning marks on the floor are much better than wetting the entire surface. Just spritz a stain or mark with a small amount of floor cleaner and brush or mop it away.


2. Toilet Bowl Cleaning

While your toilet bowl needs regular deep cleaning, practicing some daily cleaning habits would mean spending much less time and effort when it’s time for a deep cleanse. The trick here is to use self-cleaning products so that you don’t have much to do where scrubbing is concerned. Choose an acidic cleaner to pour into the bowl and leave it overnight. You’ll be surprised at how much cleaner it will be in the morning. The acid content eats into stains while the leftover marks can be brushed away in the morning using minimal effort. By doing this nightly, your bowl will remain stainless on a daily basis!


3. Quick Sink Scrub Down

The bathroom sink is prone to soap scum, toothpaste stains, water marks and grime and dirt; hence, daily cleaning is a must. This, however, does not have to be time-consuming or involve a lot of effort. Here’s what we do; using a mixture of water and white vinegar (or a regular store-bought cleaner), pour some of it onto a slightly abrasive sponge and give the sink a quick wipe down. Rinse it off with a mug of water and voila! Your sink is clean and sanitary! Vinegar acts as a germ-killer while adding a little lemon juice into your homemade solution can provide a refreshing fragrance. Use this cleaning method every morning after you brush your teeth and your sink will remain spotless for the rest of the day!

Cleaning Tips General

Why Settle for Average When You Can Vacuum Like a Pro?

vacuum cleaner

Vacuuming is such an important part of home cleaning. This is because your floors tend to get dirty before any other area in your house does. But have you noticed a world of difference between floors cleaned professionally and the ones in your home after you’ve just vacuumed? Those subpar results are probably owed to common vacuuming techniques and lack of knowledge where attachments heads are concerned. Yes, there is a lot more to it than just maneuvering the vacuum cleaner over your floors aimlessly!

Your home is an exceptional place which needs to be maintained and respected; therefore, average cleaning just won’t cut it! It’s time you step up and start cleaning like a pro! Don’t worry; we’re not going to send you out into the wilderness without your camp gear. In other words, we’re going to tell you all you need to know so you can start cleaning like vacuum professionals do. Read on!


  1. Don’t Be Hasty!

The first rule of cleaning like a pro is not to rush things. If you’re expecting practical results, you’ve got to put in the time. This applies in particular with vacuuming because it takes more than merely pushing your vacuum cleaner for a couple of minutes to pick up dust and dirt thoroughly. So, we suggest you set aside an appropriate amount of time solely devoted to vacuuming.


  1. Clean Your Vacuum!

If you’re trying to vacuum with a full bag or clogged canister, forget about it. Your vacuum cleaner will be ten times less efficient than it could be if you emptied out the bag or dust container. So, before you begin vacuuming, check if your vacuum cleaner is clean and ready to go!


  1. Back and Forth Rule

This means going over an area multiple times using a back and forth motion while changing the direction each time. Did you know that 99% of the time dirt and dust remain over an area if only vacuumed once? This is where we’d like to remind you that vacuuming like a pro takes time and effort if you want to get those unmatched cleaning results!


  1. Make Use of Attachments!

If the attachments that came with your vacuum cleaner are still sealed and untouched, it’s time you brought out the manual and learned everything there is to know about these magical cleaning aids! These attachments indeed make cleaning easier and much more efficient when used correctly. In fact, there are tons of new vacuum head accessories on the market for different cleaning purposes, so we suggest you do a little research and purchase a couple of them for better cleaning.


  1. Move Furniture

When you try to vacuum around the legs of furniture, you easily miss out on dirty spots. What’s worse, if you don’t move furniture aside to vacuum, they leave rings of dust that are harder to get rid of over time. Hence, we suggest moving furniture around at least 3-4 times a week when vacuuming your floors.

To recap, vacuuming like a pro requires the assistance of your good vacuum head attachments, coupled with patience and a little more effort than usual!