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10 Common Housekeeping Mistakes People Make

Housekeeping is a rewarding task when done correctly, leading to a fresh, clean home that’s a joy to inhabit. However, it’s also a task riddled with potential mistakes. Avoiding these common housekeeping mistakes can greatly improve the cleanliness and comfort of your home. By being mindful of these potential mistakes, you can take your Norman, OK housekeeping routine to the next level, ensuring a happier, healthier home.

What should you avoid doing when housekeeping?

Remember, effective housekeeping is not just about cleaning, but about maintaining a consistent routine and using the correct methods and products. These are the top 10 common housekeeping mistakes that people often make, and tips on how to avoid them.

Ignoring the top-down rule

When dusting or cleaning, always start from the top and work your way down. This ensures dust and debris from higher surfaces don’t dirty your freshly cleaned lower areas. By sticking to this rule, you will avoid redoing work and save time and energy.

Using too much cleaning product

More is not always better, especially when it comes to cleaning products. Using too much can actually be counterproductive, leaving behind a residue that attracts dust and dirt. Measure the product according to the directions, and remember, efficiency is better than excess.

Forgetting about cleaning tools

Sprucing up tools like mops, vacuums, and brushes can harbor a lot of dirt and germs if not taken care of after each use. Regularly wash or replace these tools to ensure they aren’t spreading dirt around your home. Think of it this way: cleaning your tools is an extension of your regular home routine.

Not reading product instructions

Every cleaning product is different, and using them incorrectly can result in damage to surfaces or an ineffective routine. Always read the instructions before using a new product. Not only will it keep your surfaces safe, but it can also maximize the product’s efficiency.

Cleaning windows on a sunny day

Wiping windows when it’s sunny may seem like a good idea, but it can cause the cleaner to dry before you’ve wiped it off, leading to streaks. Overcast days are best to take care of your windows. A cloudy day can turn out to be the best time to get crystal-clear windows!

Scrubbing carpet stains

Scrubbing might seem like the best way to remove a stubborn carpet stain, but it can actually cause the stain to spread or push it deeper into the carpet fibers. Blotting is a much safer and more effective method. Preserve your carpet’s appearance by treating stains with care.

Not letting cleaning solutions soak

Many cleaning solutions need time to do their job effectively. If you spray and immediately wipe, you may not be getting the full sanitizing power. Be patient and let the solution soak for a few minutes before scrubbing or wiping. The results will often be worth the wait!

Ignoring hidden areas

Under furniture, behind appliances, and inside cupboards are often neglected during cleaning, which allows dust and grime to accumulate. Remember to incorporate these areas into your regular sprucing-up routine. A thorough clean considers every nook and cranny.

Leaving wet towels or cloths around

Wet cloths and towels are breeding grounds for bacteria. After using, ensure they are hung up to dry properly, and regularly wash them to keep your home hygienic. A tidy and healthy home extends to the care of your textiles too.


One of the biggest housekeeping mistakes is putting off chores. It’s tempting to delay, but procrastination only leads to the tasks becoming more daunting. Try to stick to a regular cleaning schedule to keep your home clean and tidy. A little bit of effort each day can save a lot of work down the line.

Where can I find a reputable Norman, OK housekeeping company?

At Home Maid Better, we have the experience, expertise, and hardworking culture that enable us to excel in all types of house tidying tasks. With us at the helm, you’ll be constantly reaping the health and cleanliness benefits of having the best professional residential cleaning services employ their efficient and comprehensive housekeeping routine

Feel free to spend a day out enjoying the sun at Lake Thunderbird while our reliable and meticulous team tackles every corner of your home to provide you with a fresh and slick living space. Get in touch with us today!

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10 Tips for a Comprehensive Housekeeping Routine

Finding spare time in today’s hectic times is no mean feat. When you’re balancing work, school, or family responsibilities, keeping a house clean and orderly is no small task. A solid housekeeping routine can make this daunting task manageable, creating a peaceful, neat environment where you and your family can thrive. Here are 10 tips to help you establish a detailed housekeeping routine in Norman, OK that will ensure your home stays clean, organized, and comfortable.

10 Tips for a Comprehensive Housekeeping Routine

What are the necessary steps of a good housekeeping routine?

A comprehensive housekeeping routine doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By implementing these 10 tips, you can establish an effective routine that makes maintaining a clean and organized home a breeze. Remember that consistency is key, and even small efforts every day can lead to significant changes in the cleanliness and comfort of your living space.

Develop a cleaning schedule

The first step towards a successful housekeeping routine is having a well-defined cleaning schedule. Break down the tasks by daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal duties. This will help ensure that you don’t miss any crucial cleaning tasks and that larger jobs don’t become overwhelming.

Delegate responsibilities

If you live with other people, ensure housekeeping is a shared responsibility. Delegating tasks according to each individual’s age, capability, and availability can make the work lighter and teach everyone the importance of contributing to household duties.

Start with a quick pick-up

Before you start the heavy-duty cleaning, take a few minutes to pick up the clutter in each room. Having a clear space will make the actual cleaning process faster and more efficient.

High-traffic areas first

Focus on high-traffic areas first as they tend to get dirty more quickly. These include the kitchen, bathrooms, and living rooms. By cleaning these areas first, you can maintain a generally neat appearance in your home.

Invest in quality cleaning supplies

Quality cleaning supplies can make a huge difference in your housekeeping routine. They can make your tasks easier and more effective. It’s worth investing in a good vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloths, mop, broom, and cleaning solutions.

Use a timer

Sometimes, the idea of cleaning can be overwhelming. By using a timer and dedicating specific chunks of time (like 15-20 minutes) to cleaning, it can make the process feel more manageable. This approach, known as the Pomodoro Technique, is also useful in preventing burnout.

Clean as you go

The best way to maintain cleanliness in your house is to clean as you go. Spilled something? Wipe it up immediately. Finished dinner? Wash the dishes right away. This will prevent tasks from piling up and becoming more daunting.

Don’t neglect the little things

It’s easy to overlook smaller tasks, like dusting picture frames, cleaning light switches, or wiping down baseboards. However, these details contribute significantly to the overall cleanliness of your home. Include these tasks in your routine spiffing up schedule.

Use organizational tools

Use bins, baskets, and drawer organizers to keep your items tidy. When everything has a specific place, cleaning becomes much easier and faster. Plus, it significantly reduces clutter.

Adopt a positive attitude toward cleaning

Adopting a positive mindset towards sprucing up can make a world of difference in your housekeeping routine. View it as an opportunity to create a healthier and more comfortable living environment, rather than a chore. Remember, a neat home is a happy home!

Where can I find reliable housekeeping services near me in Norman, OK?

Whether you’d like to know how professional residential tidying up benefits your home, which housekeeping errors you should look to avoid, or you just need help finding the right cleaners, Home Maid Better has all the answers you’re looking for and much more.

Treat your family to an active day at Lake Thunderbird State Park and enjoy the outdoors and fresh air while we use that time to smarten up your living space. We’ll use all our experience and prowess to leave your residence spick-and-span so you can enjoy your cozy and refreshed abode. Contact us today!