
Oklahoma City, OK Severe Weather Housekeeping Tips

Oklahoma City, OK
Oklahoma City, OK

It felt like spring started several weeks back with unseasonably warm temperatures, and we have already experienced weather that’s reminiscent of the severe weather we typically see in April or May. However, now that March is upon us, we have officially entered tornado season, and anyone who has lived in the area for some time knows that there is cause for concern.

Much of our time spent cleaning is done in an attempt to restore order in our homes as well as maintain proper organization. However, it can be easy to overlook your storm shelter or designated refuge area. There are a few tips you should follow to best ensure you’re prepared for the worst of what Oklahoma City, OK weather has to offer.

  1. Pay Close Attention to Clutter

When the tornado sirens sound, things get highly stressful, and your entire family will retreat to your shelter area. Whether this is a closet, storm shelter or basement, it’s crucial that you ensure there isn’t excessive clutter along the path there or in the area itself.

Every second count in these situations, and now’s a great time to address these issues. Not only can this reduce your chances of encountering problems getting to your shelter, but it can also prevent unnecessary dangerous debris in the event your home is struck.

  1. Create Preparation Station on the Way to Storm Shelter

If you have a storm shelter, you have a great advantage that can significantly increase your chances of survival. However, if yours is located outside, it can take a minute or two for everyone to get in. Unfortunately, high winds, hail, and tornadoes often won’t wait for you to get there.

Near the door where you’ll be exiting the home, you should create a preparation station. Just a few things to include in this area are:

  • A comfortable pair of shoes for each family member
  • Jacket for each family member
  • Bicycle helmet for each family member
  • A leash for pets
  1. Properly Equip Your Shelter or Refuge Area

We all hope we don’t have to utilize our shelter areas, but the fact remains that we will, in all likelihood, at least experience alarms during the upcoming season. In the event of a tornado, you could find yourself stuck in your refuge area until help arrives. Therefore, you should take some time to get your area prepared. Just a few things you should store in your shelter now include:

  • One gallon of water per person
  • Weather radio
  • Nonperishable food items along with a can opener and some disposable plates, bowls, and utensils
  • Flashlights and extra batteries
  • Phone charger

An Ounce of Prevention

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and now’s the time to prepare for potentially severe weather on the horizon. Oklahoma City, OK experiences more tornado touchdowns than any other city in the country, and the results can be devastating. Whether you’re preparing to embark on spring cleaning or otherwise just want to make sure you’re ready for anything, these tips can give you that peace-of-mind you need.

For more helpful housekeeping tips or to see how we can help keep your house looking like a home, contact us today.

We especially want to thank our 604 Maids for their support during the upcoming storm season.


Find The Best House Cleaning Service Near You | Book Home Maid Better

Finding a house cleaning service near you can be a scary thought. It can be a little bit uncomfortable letting a stranger into your home, but the house isn’t going to clean itself. At least not yet anyways….

Cleaning Service Near You
Cleaning Service Near You

Step 1 – Check Reviews

It is always a good idea to do a little bit of research before hiring someone off Craigslist. I am not saying Craigslist is bad, but they do not exactly vet everyone that posts on their platform. So you will want to head on over to Google and check out some reviews to see what other people have to say.

There are a lot of “directory platforms” that list reviews, but here are the most reputable:

Google Business

Step 2 – Make sure they are licensed, bonded, and Insured

One of the advantages of hiring a company like Home Maid Better is we are licensed, bonded, and insured. So you can rest assured knowing you are in good hands. However, we are not a National brand. If you do not live in the OKC metro area; you probably want to find a trusted cleaning service near you! (that is also licensed, bonded, and insured)

This is typically listed on a companies website, but you might need to call them to ask as well. Most legitimate companies like House Keep Up meet these requirements, but it is always a good idea to double check. (better safe than sorry!)

Step 3 – Make sure they offer the service YOU want

Last but not least, you will want to make sure the company offers the services you are seeking. Most house cleaning companies offer the following services:

– Move Out Cleaning

A move out cleaning takes a little bit of extra work. However, this is typically your best option to ensure you get your security deposit back! A move out cleaning will typically include a few extra tasks such as inside oven, inside refrigerator, and inside an oven.

-Deep Cleaning

Does your home need a little extra love? Well, it might be a good idea to get a nice deep cleaning! It takes a little bit of extra time to get some of those neglected areas back to 100%, and this can require special equipment in some cases.

-Recurring Services

Do you need you home regularly maintained? Then a recurring service is probably the right choice for you. You can typically get a discounted rate for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly plans.


We offer all of these services right here at Home Maid Better! So if you live in Oklahoma City – you are in luck!


BOOK NOW or Call Us @ (405) 754-5100


Housecleaning Tips Before You Sell Your Edmond OK Home

Edmond OK
Edmond OK

The best time to sell your Edmond OK home is in the spring. It’s during this time that buyers are receiving their income tax returns and therefore more capable of managing down payments and other expenses. Furthermore, buying in the spring allows movers to do so in the summer. If you’re getting your home ready for sale, there are some housecleaning tips you should follow to get the most out of your investment.

  1. Remove Clutter

Even the most luxurious homes can appear haphazard when you have unnecessary clutter. This makes the home appear less spacious and inviting, so you should be sure to remove anything you don’t need long before the first showing.

These jobs can be stressful and seemingly impossible depending on the scope of the clutter, and it can help to have the pros come to offer their services. However, if you do decide to tackle it on your own, make sure you break the project down into smaller tasks. This is a psychological trick to make the job seem less daunting, and just a few ways to accomplish this include:

  • Create a list of what all needs to be done
  • Set aside time for each of these smaller tasks
  • Involve the entire family in any way you can
  1. Attention to Detail

Details are crucial when preparing your home for sale. Buyers are going to be picky, and they very well should be. Therefore, you should be prepared to pay close attention to detail. Just a few ways you can accomplish this include:

  • Add your two scents- the olfactory sense is one that really sticks, so add a few scented candles or other products on the market to provide that extra touch.
  • Buy a few bright and cheerful rugs to place at the entryways to catch dirt and make the home more inviting.
  • Hang a few pictures and add another décor to set the tone in the main rooms.
  1. Take On Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew commonly develop in areas like the kitchen and bathroom. If this has occurred in your Edmond OK home, it’s crucial that you address it before you start showing your home as this can be an immediate deal breaker that will send prospective buyers off to other homes in the area to explore. With the publicity of the various health effects of mold in the home, you want to do what you can to address this problem. This includes:

  • Repair any leaks that could be contributing to the issue.
  • Use bleach to remove mildew stains.
  • Replace shower curtain or other fabrics that may have been impacted.

An Investment That Pays Off

The investment made in your Edmond OK home is one that can pay off substantially. In fact, when you properly maintain yours and implement various renovations, you can enjoy a significant return on investment. Spring is a great time to sell yours, and you want to ensure you make the best first impression on potential buyers. These tips can help you achieve just that. For more tips or to reach out for professional help, call us today!

We would like to thank our friends at for inspiring this post.


Refrigerator Cleaning Hacks – Cleaning Services OKC

Cleaning Services OKC
Cleaning Services OKC

Refrigerator Cleaning Hacks

As if keeping your home clean isn’t a daunting task in itself, there is another that we can too easily just shut the door on. Your refrigerator is crucial in keeping your food preserved, and you likely open it several times per day.

If you’re like many in the area, however, you likely tend to find yourself adding more than you take out, and this can turn into a disaster. As a provider of quality cleaning services OKC, it’s our goal that your home is one you’re completely comfortable in, and we have some refrigerator cleaning hacks to share with you to make the job easier to accomplish.

Start With a Clean Slate

Cartons leak, spills occur, and containers can get knocked over. That’s why it’s important not to pretend you can clean around things in order to get your fridge looking and smelling its best. Your first step should be to take absolutely everything out of the fridge. From here, you can:

  • Check expiration dates and throw out things that have gone bad
  • Find containers with leftovers and remove them
  • Separate foods that are good to be put back in when you’re finished

Remove Bins

Your fridge likely contains removeable bins, and this makes life easier. You can take these out and wash them in your sink or place them in the dishwasher to save time. You can also take this time to remove racks to clean them in the same manner.

Use the Right Cleaning Agent

Now, it’s time to get to the nitty-gritty and get the rest of the fridge looking great. To accomplish this as efficiently as possible, you’ll want to ensure you have the best cleaning agent for the job.

If you’ve ever tried to remove food from a plate after it’s been sitting for a while, you know how difficult it can be to scrape off. The food droppings in your fridge are no different, and you don’t have the advantage of being able to run these areas under hot water. To create a cleaning agent to aid in this removal, the following recipe can prove helpful:


  • 1 cup clear ammonia
  • Half a cup of vinegar
  • Quarter cup of baking soda

Simply combine all ingredients in a gallon of hot water. You can simplify the process by placing the solution into a spray bottle. The great thing about this solution is that there’s no need to rinse, and it can help prevent mold and act as a useful degreasing agent.

Finishing Touch

Now that your fridge is looking good, replace the bins and racks. However, there’s one final touch you can add to help extend the life of your hard work. Fill a clean sock with activated charcoal. You can usually find this at pet stores in the aquarium department. Tie the sock shut and place it in a discreet area of your fridge. This will prevent odors for 30 to 60 days depending on the size of your unit.

Our staff can help you ensure the rest of your kitchen looks just as great as your refrigerator. We offer quality cleaning services OKC to ensure consistency. Life is busy, and we have the resources to ensure your house always feels like a home.

This post brought to you by our friends at


Cleaners OKC – Which Type of Cleaner Describes You?

Cleaners OKC
Cleaners OKC

For some, the idea of coming home to a messy and cluttered house can leave you feeling less than comfortable in your own space. You arrive home from a long and stressful day at work, only to find an unorganized mess that leaves you wanting to be elsewhere.

What starts out as a quick decision to leave the dirty dishes for tomorrow’s list of chores, you find yourself wanting to wind down. After all, you made dinner, helped with homework, bathed the kids, and now you’re trying to decide between your favorite TV show or the office work you brought home to catch up on.

It’s happened to us all. You planned to pick up things in the morning, a quick over in the kitchen to put things back in order, but then you’ve awoken too late and you’re starting the day exhausted as you reach for your morning pick me up on your rush out the door. “I will get on top of this tonight when I get home,” we tell ourselves.

It’s no surprise that the day you had planned to catch up becomes the day you’re wishing you had your own cleaners OKC. You’re home even more exhausted than you were the day before. Here again, we start all over with the dinner that’s not going to cook itself!  You’re dragging tail and regret having not cleaned house the night before.

Oh, that wonderful sofa, hot bath, or your relaxer of choice. It grabs your attention as your body simply wants to rest. You sit down, toys surrounding your feet, and you turn to that favorite streaming show while the kids are snuggled in bed. How do some people make their organized home look so easy?

For others, such cleaning tasks reinvigorate the spirit as some people enjoy bringing order to the world around them. Turning up that favorite music, and moving from room to room can transform your home when facing one task at a time. At times engaging the entire family can be just the trick to finish things up in no time at all as you assign small tasks to everyone. Soon, the teamwork has paid off acting as your own cleaners OKC. Once again, a home becomes the peaceful place of family, rest, and restoration.


Breaking Down Housekeeping into Doable Tasks

House Cleaning Services OKC
House Cleaning Services OKC

There’s so much to do…

A daunting task is one that looms over us with a sense of foreboding doom. However, it is these achievements that make the most difference in our lives. If you have a looming task in your home that you’ve been putting off for this very reason, it’s likely you avoid seeing the problem. Whether this means boarding off the guest bathroom or parking outside rather than facing the garage, we understand where you’re coming from.

After a long day, the last thing you have the strength and energy to do is tackle the seemingly impossible. We specialize in professional house cleaning services OKC, so we know a thing or two about breaking down housekeeping nightmares into doable tasks that won’t overwhelm you.

  1. Make a List

Lists make for great guidance tools, and you can use yours to break down a large task into many smaller and easier-to-accomplish ones. For example, let’s say you just can’t get yourself to organize your garage. From holiday decorations and power tools to toys, bicycles, old newspapers, and so much more, it can be easy to give up before you get started.

Next time you step out in the garage, rather than walking around aimlessly trying to make sense of everything, make a visual analysis of what needs to be done. Jot these things down as you see them. You can also consider your goals. For instance, maybe you never liked the placement of the pool table. Put this rearrangement on the list.

  1. Make the Time

Never try to tackle such a task after work or when you’re pressed for time. You will be rushed, and you can’t perform quality cleaning when you’re racing the clock. Figure out a few times during the week when you can dedicate at least an hour straight toward your efforts. During these times, pick out a couple of items from your list that you plan to tackle and no more. This helps prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Progress is inevitable, and you will eventually reach your goal of tackling the problem.

  1. Recruit Help

If you have others living in the home, reach out for their help. They live there too, and it only makes sense that it should be something you all can benefit from. Whether you have to coax with an increase in allowance or are blessed with family members who don’t like to watch you struggle alone, you’d be surprised at how much more gets done in an hour when you have a few other people on the job.

Easier Said Than Done

Let’s face it. Even if you follow these steps to a T, we all face unique circumstances. Whether you’re too busy to face the task at hand or just don’t want to get into the nuts and bolts of fixing the impossible, it literally is easier said than done when you rely on our quality house cleaning services OKC. Our staff is here to take the dirty work off your hands as we employ our tools and experience to get the job done right. Whether you need us for ongoing services or just to complete a particular project, we’re always ready to take on the job, so give us a call today to see how we can help.

Today’s post brought to you by our friends at Long Island Maids.


House Cleaning Oklahoma City – What You Need to Know

House Cleaning Oklahoma City

Most of us appreciate the feeling of coming home to a clean home. After a long day of work, it’s comforting to enjoy the luxury of knowing you’ve got everything under control. However, the tough part is often ensuring the home stays clean. From cooking dinner to changing your dirty work clothes and more, getting messy is inevitable. Finding the right house cleaning Oklahoma City solution can add great value to your family and home.

Whether you just don’t have the time or the energy to keep your home looking the way it could, hiring a professional house cleaning Oklahoma City services could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Helping You Reduce Your Responsibilities

Those who make the decision to hire a maid to take care of their cleaning needs also gain the responsibility of ensuring wages, and it’s up to you to remain compliant with tax laws and other employee-related obligations. However, your goal here is to save yourself time and energy, right?

When you work with our company, you can enjoy knowing that we take care of all the legalities for you. Just a few things you can avoid having to worry about while we ensure your home sparkles include:

  • Payroll
  • Supplies
  • Background checks
  • Work-related injuries

Every Client is Unique

Here at Home Maid Better, we understand that each of our clients has their own unique needs. While one may require extensive work on a regular basis, others may just need a helping hand to keep things looking good.

When you call our office, you will find that we ask the right questions to discover just what level of service you need. Our friendly representatives will help you come up with a service plan that will work for your schedule and budget. We help you understand our comprehensive list of services. And, you never know, you may even find that we offer services you didn’t even know were available!

Professional Crew You Can Trust

We understand that one of the primary driving factors that get our customers on the phone for our services is a lack of time. You are likely a busy professional, and we understand there’s a good chance you won’t be home when we arrive to clean. However, you can rest assured you’ll be working with a crew you can trust.

We do the heavy lifting for you, and we ensure your cleaner has passed the necessary background checks. All you have to do is provide us a copy of the key and any necessary alarm codes, and we’ll work our magic while you take care of business.

Enjoying the Home You’ve Always Had

Beneath the dirt and grime is a clean and tidy home you’ve had all along and just never realized it, and our professional staff is here to help with house cleaning Oklahoma City. We can help you get to the bottom of any mess, and it’s our goal to help you enjoy the home you’ve always had. Call us today and we can discuss your individual needs and develop a service schedule that works for you.

Today’s post brought to you by our friends at Rain City Maids.


House Cleaning OKC Frequently Asked Questions

House Cleaning OKC
House Cleaning OKC

When we think of maid service, many of us consider affluent families with large disposable incomes who bask in the enjoyment of an immaculate mansion. What they fail to consider, however, is the fact that you don’t have to be rich to acquire house cleaning OKC. In fact, there’s probably a lot about the services offered here at Home Maid Better that will likely have you considering giving us a call to establish the services you need to have your home always looking its best.

How Much Does It Cost to Receive Maid Services OKC?

Many think of live-in maids when considering homes where this type of service is performed, and that can be pricey. However, when you work with our staff, you’ll be pleased to find that we can help device a cleaning plan based on your budget. Every little bit of help counts, and we can help assess your needs and determine the level of service that will meet your budget. Since we offer a number of services, the actual charge will depend heavily on what you need to be done. However, it’s not difficult to create a personalized cleaning plan to meet your needs and specifications.

Do I Have to Be Home For Services?

Our staff understands that your time is valuable, and that’s why we do our best to work around your schedule. People are busy, and we know you likely have a lot going on. During your initial consultation, we can discuss the best time of day for us to arrive for cleaning. You can count on our trustworthy staff, and we perform the appropriate background checks so you can rest assured you’re in good hands if you need our staff to work while you’re away from home.

Will the Same Team Perform Cleaning Every Time?

We understand that you want to get to know who you’re working with when you hire a professional house cleaning OKC services. That’s why we do what we can to ensure the same team works for you on every scheduled date. This is made easier when we arrange for regular cleanings. However, if you only call for random cleanings here and there, we can’t guarantee you’ll be working with the same folks.

What Types of Services Can I Receive?

Everyone has unique needs when it comes to housekeeping. There are a variety of factors that come into play such as:

  • Number of people living in the home
  • Amount of time home per day home is empty
  • Whether or not lots of cooking is done in the home

We understand that you may or may not need regular, intricate services. Whether you need to set up a one-time cleaning for a move-in or move-out or do need our help with recurring services you can depend on, we are here to offer you just what you need.

What Happens If Something Is Broken During Cleaning?

While our staff is dedicated to the delivery of consistent quality services, we also know that everyone makes mistakes. In the event something is broken or damaged during cleaning, you’ll be pleased to know that we are insured, and we will cover the cost of replacement or repair.

We also understand that some possessions are irreplaceable, and we ask our clients to bring this to our attention. We will ensure your cleaning team stays away from these items and leaves them undisturbed.

Enjoying Your Home in New and Exciting Ways

Your home is where you enjoy some of your most precious moments with the ones you love the most, and it’s important that you’re able to enjoy the time spent within its walls. When things are messy and you just don’t have the time to ensure proper house cleaning OKC, it can prove to be well worth the investment to receive at least a minimal form of assistance. Time is money, and you need to use yours wisely. Call our office today to see how we can help you make the most of every minute.

For our friends in Colorado, please be sure and check out Cleaning Services Denver for best in class service in your area!


Getting Your Home Prepared for the Holidays With Maid Service in OKC

Whether or not you’re ready, the holidays are right around the corner. Before you know it, you’ll be graced with the presence of the friends and loved ones you likely don’t get to see often. While this is a time for family and love, it’s also inevitably a time for loads of stress. From wrapping presents and decorating the home to preparing meal plans and so much more, you can quickly find yourself overwhelmed and that’s where maid service OKC comes in.

With so much to be done on top of your daily responsibilities, it can be difficult to allocate proper time in the cleaning of your home. You want to show your loved ones the best of your home, and there’s an answer to your problem. When you invest in maid service OKC, you can invite guests in with pride and better enjoy this holiday season.

Maid Service OKC

Getting the Highly-Trafficked Areas Prepared

While you can cordon off certain areas of your home, the fact remains that places like the kitchen and bathroom will be highly-trafficked. In the bathroom, in particular, guests will have privacy, and it’s not unusual for judgments regarding your cleaning abilities to be made as they can quietly and privately inspect details.

Our staff understands the importance of paying close attention to detail in any room, and we go above and beyond in addressing even the smallest of issues. When you count on us for your holiday cleaning, we can:

  • Sweep and mop floors
  • Clean out the inside of your microwave
  • Clean stove drip pans
  • Clean sinks
  • Clean tiles intricately with grout cleaner
  • Clean and shine faucets

Entryway Scrubbing

The first thing your guests will see is your entryway, and it’s important to make a good first impression this holiday season. That’s why we ensure yours is immaculate. As we focus on making your entrance one that will impress, we make sure to:

  • Shake off and clean the doormat
  • Clean up both sides of the front door
  • Remove dust and dirt from the floors and on any furniture legs if necessary

Full Window Coverage

One of the most notable aspects of this time of year is the fact that it’s typically chilly outside. So many Christmas carols focus on snow and cold, and this makes the comfort your home even more valuable to anyone who takes refuge inside.

To increase the feeling of warmth and love in your home, our staff can make sure your guests can clearly see outside, and we do so by thoroughly cleaning your windows. We have access to high-quality cleaning agents to best ensure your windows provide a clear view of the winter landscape as you enjoy laughing, smiling, and spending quality time with the ones you love the most.

An Investment That Pays in More Ways Than One

Time is money, and you likely don’t have much to spend on detailed house cleaning Oklahoma City. Greenberg Our friends offering maid service Washington DC shared with us an article published by Quinlan Rosner Research that has carefully analyzed typical emotions around the holidays. While feelings of happiness, closeness to friends and family, and love are typically heightened, there are also many negative side effects due to increased stress levels such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Bloating
  • Anger
  • Sadness

It’s not often that you get to spend time with all your loved ones, and it’s important that you make the most of these precious moments. When you invest in maid service OKC, you can lift your own spirits when you enjoy the immaculate cleaning that’s performed. In fact, you may just find it’s worth the money to have this level of cleaning service performed on a regular basis as your loved ones admire your home in awe.


A Few Considerations Before Your OKC Maid Service Arrives

OKC Maid ServiceThose looking for OKC maid service, let’s face it. We have busy lives, and our schedules and responsibilities can often get in the way of us taking care of our personal lives. From getting your hair done to catching up on laundry and more, it can sometimes become overwhelming.

One thing you don’t have to worry about is housecleaning when you hire a trusted OKC maid service. Not only will your home be clean, but you can also benefit from a professional level of quality you’ve likely never enjoyed. If you’ve decided this would be a good investment for you, there are a few considerations you should make before your cleaner arrives in order to get the most for your money.

Be Prepared to Inform of Areas of Particular Concern

Professional housekeepers are focused on ensuring your entire home looks great. However, they have no way of knowing of particular areas of concern you may have. For instance, if you’ll be entertaining in the den over the weekend, you may want your cleaner to give that area a little extra TLC. Make sure to be prepared with specifics so your housekeeper can provide you the level of service you deserve.

Put Up the Pets

Our pets quickly become a part of the family, and we come to rely on their company. However, they can get in the way when your OKC maid service professionals are working. Furthermore, they may see them as strangers invading their home, and this can become dangerous. Unless you are certain that your pet will be comfortable with strangers in the home and will stay out of the way, it’s best to put them up when you know your housekeeper will be working.

Ensure Proper Access

Unless you’ll be home when your cleaner arrives, it’s crucial that you properly prepare for their entrance. For starters, supply the company with a copy of your house key. You should also leave any special instructions such as how to turn off your security system.

Take Care of General Organization

You are likely in the market for cleaning services in order to take care of the many intricacies you simply don’t have time for, and this is exactly what professional housekeepers are trained to do. However, when you have things lying around in the house, it takes up time your cleaner could be spending making your house look immaculate. Not to mention the fact that these items could become misplaced. It’s never a bad idea to do a little bit of straightening up before your cleaner arrives.

Secure Important Documents

Paperwork is a big part of life whether or not we like it, and it’s important that we keep things documented. From bills and tax information to loan documents and so much more, you have to protect yourself by keeping this information safeguarded. When these documents are lying around, however, they can be mistaken for trash. Before your housekeeper arrives, make sure to put up any important paperwork that may be lying around. You can also take advantage of paperless options that a growing number of companies are making available.

A Home You Can Always Be Proud Of

Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you hear the doorbell ring and you haven’t had time to straighten up? Most of us have been there, and it makes it difficult to truly enjoy the company. When you make the minimal investment in professional OKC house cleaning, however, you can rest assured that you’re always ready to show off your home.

As our friends offering Maid Service Madison would say, “few things are more relaxing than coming home to a clean environment.” Time is money, and, when you put forth the effort to prepare for your house cleaner, you can make the most of your time and theirs as you invest in a home you can always be proud of.